D&D Iron Storm : Episode 3

Published: Nov. 4, 2019, 10:56 p.m.


Govel, Necro & Ortho stand in the tight hallway of the forge, the large buckets carrying bits of iron slowly passing them as they contemplate their next move. Far below them the Duke stands with another Giant, speaking in guttural tones.

Somewhere within the darkness, somewhere beyond the sea of orcs, slaves & giants lay the conch of teleportation...

The most difficult part of the this adventure is about to unfold, you do not want to miss:


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The INVICTUS Stream is hosted by best friends: Harlan Guthrie, Justin James, Jo Fallak & Chris Viseau who enjoy gaming in all its forms. Each host has their own unique personality and GMing style, bringing their own ideas about what an RPG is and how a story is told. Over three years ago INVICTUS was created so that regardless of distance we could still sit together around a virtual table and do what we love.

Our style may be unscripted, unorthodox and sometimes unfiltered but it's our vision and the way we play games together. So sit back, enjoy, have a lark or a laugh, grab a drink and play along as we continue to do our very best to entertain you.

See You 'Round The Table!

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