Be Careful, Its Diaper Rash Season-The Hotshot Whiz Kid Podcast Episode 614

Published: July 25, 2016, 3:28 a.m.


Hey there hey, here is yet another podcast for your entertainment.\\xa0 This time on the show the guys discuss Burger King and the downturn of business for the fast food chain. Later the guys talk about the new nostalgia market and bringing things back long discontinued products for\\xa0a quick buck. Plus they talk about He-Man, \\u2026 Continue reading Be Careful, It\\u2019s Diaper Rash Season-The Hotshot Whiz Kid Podcast Episode 614 \\u2192

\\nThe post Be Careful, It\\u2019s Diaper Rash Season-The Hotshot Whiz Kid Podcast Episode 614 first appeared on The Hotshot Whiz Kids Podcast Network.'