034 - Ask Me Anything #2

Published: Nov. 22, 2017, 2:02 p.m.


Do you believe in the impossible?

Ever since I started my podcast I knew there was one story I wanted to tell. There\\u2019s one person that has the ultimate ground up story. One person that has come from nothing and yet created so much. He\\u2019s a man that continues to give back and shows what\\u2019s possible with the right attitude. His name? Dwayne \\u201cThe Rock\\u201d Johnson.

But there\\u2019s a problem:\\xa0 The Rock is an international super-star & probably the busiest person on the planet. Me? I\\u2019m just a guy with a podcast that no one listens to. How the hell am I going to achieve this oddly specific dream?

That\\u2019s where you come in. I\\u2019ve created a website with a huge tweet button that auto-generates new messages for The Rock. I believe with the right energy, the right message, we can inspire The Rock to come on my podcast. And if we can do that\\u2026 we I think we can inspire the world.


Oh yeah and in this episode I answer questions from the audience.
