Ep 194 | Did Pope Francis Just Activate End Times Prophecy? | Taylor Marshall | The Glenn Beck Podcast

Published: Sept. 16, 2023, 8 a.m.

b'The world is in the grips of a spiritual battle that is revealed in moments when the MLB\\u2019s L.A. Dodgers would rather bow to transgender blasphemers than recognize Christ. How should Christian live in a country that is increasingly antagonistic towards its faith? On this episode of "The Glenn Beck Podcast," Glenn talks with Taylor Marshall, a Catholic YouTuber and author of "Infiltration: The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within." They walk through the complicated history of the Catholic Church, from apparitions of Mary, the Three Secrets of Fatima, to the creep of Marxism. In a tough but enlightening conversation, Glenn and Taylor debate the \\u201cradical traditionalist\\u201d movement growing on the Christian right and the founders\\u2019 intention for the separation of church and state. They also discuss the \\u201cinfallibility\\u201d of the pope, the rise of transgenderism, and the Clinton body count. Oh, and Pope Francis\\u2019 recent visit to Russia might just have fulfilled prophecy about the end times.\\n\\xa0\\nSPONSORS:\\n\\n\\ufeffIf you\'re one of the millions of Americans who suffer every day from pain, there is hope, and it comes in the form of Relief Factor. If you want a drug-free and natural way to get your life back, go to\\xa0https://relieffactor.com\\xa0or call 1-800-4-RELIEF to get the $19.95 three-week quick start.\\n\\xa0\\nMy Patriot Supply is the nation\\u2019s largest preparedness company. Go to\\xa0https://mypatriotsupply.com,\\xa0and when you buy their three-month emergency food kit, which lasts up to 25 years in storage, you\\u2019re going to get a bonus package of crucial survival gear \\u2013 worth over $200 \\u2013 for free!\\n\\xa0\\nHome Title Lock. Home title fraud is growing 2.5x faster than credit card fraud. You could be a victim and not even know it. Visit\\xa0https://HomeTitleLock.com\\xa0and use the promo code BECK to get 30 days of free protection.\\n\\xa0\\nBetter Spectacles - Go to\\xa0https://BetterSpectacles.com/BECK\\xa0now to schedule a Tele-Optical appointment. You don\\u2019t even have to leave the comfort of your home. They\\u2019re offering an introductory 61% off of their progressive eyewear plus free handcrafted Rodenstock frames.\\n\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'