Episode 32 - Lacking anonymity....

Published: Jan. 7, 2011, 10:18 p.m.

Hello and welcome to episode 32 of the GameOverCast in association with This week the show is made up of the modest pacifist MrPGibson, the ever optimistic and up beat Kinichie, and the ever polite friendly and intelligent PjBling. What sarcasm? The cast opens with creative work arounds to PS3 comunication shortcomings, and exitement at gaming bean bags. In games being played we talk the niche gaming narcotic known as Mount and Blade Warband, Fat Princess, Bayonetta, Killzone 2 and sudden unexepected love for Supreme Commander 2?! Imminent releases..... Nope, none here. News this week comes to us in the form of great MAss Effect 2 DLC news, real life human frogger gone awry and the rise of kinect(and potential fall of man). The quiz is a short one, the theme name the tune, the twist? Its bleeps and bloops from Radarheads mouth...We finish off with some emails from you, our awesome listeners. Email us with Hatemail, Lovemail and Blackmail at Subscribe to us on and please leave a written , and follow our feed Enjoy!-Radarhead.