Published: Nov. 11, 2013, 9:48 p.m.

Hello and welcome to episode 165, THE GAME OF THE GENERATION SPECIAL!!!!!!!! This weeks show is an all star cast NINAZU, RADARHEAD, PJBLING, DANNY, NIJINSKY, MAJOR TOM, JAY and once again GIBSON! We discuss/argue all the great games of this generation including Mass Effect, Bioshiock, Fallout 3, Skyrim, Last of Us, Uncharted 2, Dark Souls, Red Dead Redemption and mucho mucho more. We all take turns talking about our great loves of the last 7 years, and spliced throughout it all we have clips sent in by listeners and friends of the show including: Lee from CodeMasters, Chris from SPonG, Dan from Pemiere PR, Arthur from Xtreme gaming, Xan from GameBurst James from Cane and Rinse, and so many more awesome people who sent in their game choices. In the end we vote on our GameOverCast game of the generation, and you will NOT see it coming.... Enjoy, and thanks so much for listening and contributing, you guys are just the absolute awesome.