Episode 113 - The one where we talk Borderlands 2, a lot!

Published: Oct. 6, 2012, 10:47 a.m.

Hello and welcome to episode 113 od the GameOverCast! This week Nijinsky, Radarhead, Jay and Gibson bring you gaming related audio goodness. The show opens with us talking about our experience and opinions of this years Eurogamer Expo and it all goes down hill from there... Games we cover this week: Guild Wars 2, Modern warfare 3, Grid 2, Halo 4, Forza Horizons, God of War 4, Need for Speed most wanted, and a BUTT LOAD of Borderlands 2, like SO MUCH Borderlands 2! We have news and an awesome, but depressing quiz, the theme: The last game the released before they went bust.  We also read out your fantabulous hatemail  ;) ! Email us with Hatemail, Lovemail ,Blackmail and competition mail at  Subscribe to us on  and please leave a written , and follow our  feed  -Radar