Episode 11 - Whats in a name?

Published: Aug. 13, 2010, 6:20 p.m.

Welcome to the newly named podcast, same sh*t different name :), still in association with . This week the crew is joined by Ninazu and the guy responsible for the new logo (and up n coming website) Kinichie. Unfortunately Madcat managed to destroy his microphone prior to the podcast so he was unable to make an appearance. We start the podcast off with a description of the gaming bar we had the pleasure of getting a little drunk at on the weekend, followed by a recap of the man date myself and MrGibson shared, with hilarious consequences! Games we've been playing is mainly occupied by Starcraft 2 , however we also manage to talk some Split Second, Trasnformers WFC, Deathspank and Company of heroes online. The gaming industry is light on releases once again this week, however Monday night combat and Scott Pilgrim vs the world are both discussed to some length. News has us amazed at how fast Blizzcon sold out, pittying the poor EVE player who lost cargo worth over $1000 in real life, we close out with me salivating with the though of all the games me and Madcat or going to get to see/ try  out at Gamescom next week.... Random Rage. The quiz this week is awesome, the theme: who am I? A photo finish that ends in hilarity (as always)! We close out the podcast by deciding on our new name, thanks once again for all idea entries, long live GameOverCast!!!! And farewell GamersTardCast. Enjoy the episode, subscribe to us on , if possible leave a written review : ,  and better still email in questions comments and any random stuff to GameOverCast@hotmail.com. -Radarhead