Sam Bankman Fried And The Regulators That Failed To Regulate Him and FTX (12/27/22)

Published: Dec. 27, 2022, 9:30 p.m.

Sam Bankman Fried and his company FTX shot to fame in a very short amount of time and ever since, all we have heard is how Sam Bankman Fried is some sort of wunderkind and this genius who was going to usher in a whole new era in the crypto game. Well, he managed to usher in a whole new era, but not the one that he was hoping for.

In this episode, we take a look at SBF, his arrest, the fall of FTX and how the regulators who were supposed to be regulating him were instead enamored with him.

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Emails Reportedly Show Ex-Regulators Helped SBF Get Ins With the CFTC (