A Look Back: The Flimsy Denials Made By Ehud Barak About Jeffrey Epstein

Published: April 25, 2023, 7 a.m.

Ehud Barak continued to pal around with Jeffrey Epstein AFTER Epstein was convicted of crimes against minors. He was known to visit Epstein's townhouse, his Island and was also a passenger on many flights with Jeffrey Epstein and many other alleged co-conspirators.

In 2016 Ehud Barak was photographed going into Epstein's townhouse by the Dailymail. This was after he had said numerous times, that he was never around Epstein when women were around. Well, these pictures certainly told a different tale. In this episode, we take another look at Ehud Barak, his denials and his go no where threat to sue the Dailymail.

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