995: Getting More Done in Less Time with Less Drama with Alan P Brown Co-Founders and Co-Owners of Crusher TV

Published: Oct. 22, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

A productivity coach and host of Crusher™ TV, Alan Brown teaches productivity hacks to crazy-busy professionals and entrepreneurs. Alan is also an internationally recognized speaker, including TEDx, and the #1 Best-Selling author of “Zen and the Art of Productivity.”

“Everybody thinks they don’t have their bleep together, I think it’s such an important thing for people to know, I come from a background of a learning disability, past drug addiction and a lot of other messy stuff and I’ve always had this notion that I don’t have my shit together, I recently attended a conference and they put out these big white boards and then handed everyone stickies with pens and each board said nobody has their shit together and so everyone would just write an admission, a confession of how they don’t have their shit together so here you have a thousand people who are all very successful or on their way there and then you start to read these stickies and you realies that nobody has their shit together, people like I haven’t filed my taxes in 3 years, I’m late for everything, I feel like a complete failure, I feel this is especially important for our entrepreneur tribe because as we struggle and we’re trying to build this business and we have constant doubts and challenges etc and you think that maybe you don’t have your shit together just know that nobody else does either, even the most successful people”…[Listen for More]

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