990: Designing a Future You Want to Wake up to Every Morning with Tom Meyers Founder and Owner of Futurize Yourself

Published: Oct. 17, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

Tom Meyers is an osteopath, body-centred stress expert, founder of the ‘Reaset Approach’ and author of “Futurize Yourself”. He is a global communicator, teacher, researcher and therapist with a mission to empower people to live well and thrive in body, mind and spirit in a fast-changing world.

“Align your business with whom you are born to be. So find your potential within and find the gifts within to help humanity strive in a fast changing world… If it is technology, when you are developing technology that is changing the world also start thinking about how is that also going to change humanity, how can I implement something that will better humanit…how to prepare humanity for the changes that you are bringing so that we can stay human and that we can thrive all together”…[Listen for More]

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