924: Success Is There You Just Have to Work for it with Denise Ann Galloni Founder and Owner of DG Training Solutions Inc

Published: Aug. 8, 2018, 11:56 p.m.

Voted the quietest girl in her senior class, Denise Galloni started to come out of her shell and find her voice as a young adult. Today her mission is to help others find their voices and become better communicators through her company, DG Training Solutions Inc., which was founded in 2014. Denise has delivered more than 500 presentations across the United States. Denise was inspired by so many women who helped her make her business more successful in 2017, she expanded her reach to help women live their dreams by creating, producing and hosting an award-winning TV show called Empowering Women. In 2018, she was a nominee for the Inspiring Lives Magazine International Empowerment Award.

“Know you aren’t alone, the struggles you experience aren’t probably unique; find a group of people such as a mastermind or a coach to help you through them. Don’t give up, a majority of people quit before they find that success and sometimes it’s only a short distance away, there’s going to be disappointments but keep persevering keep pushing forward and you’ll get to where you want to be”…[Listen for More]

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