1029: Being Strategic in Setting Strategic Goals with Whitney Cole Founder and Owner of the Mission Maven

Published: Nov. 25, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

Whitney Cole is a consultant, speaker, and writer on a mission to help lifesaving, life-changing technology break through the noise and achieve mass user adoption. Her 3 step process to amplifying the messages of health tech companies increases user engagement and drives customers to buy. She translates difficult technology concepts into simple, approachable, and readable content for your ideal customer.

“I think it’s all about being strategic in setting strategic goals. When I first started because I didn’t know what I was doing I would set goals and it would be maybe an income goal or the number of clients I want to connect with or something like that. And those are good goals but figuring out how they align with what I want and what I need my business to look like is so much more important than just setting a really high goal. Let’s say I wanted to make $10 million this year and I set that goal. Okay that’s a great goal but does it align with first of all what I want my lifestyle to look like and secondly does it really align with my business, is that what I need to be a successful business owner” …[Listen for More]

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