A Call to Trust the Lord and Not Fear (Audio Version)

Published: Jan. 19, 2021, 12:33 a.m.

b"This short audiobook is now available in a beautiful ebook version that is available for free if you subscribe to my website! (durendawilson.com)\\nThere has been so much going on in the world around us over the last 10 months and especially the last 2 months. It's been overwhelming for many of us and I have spent hours and hours seeking the Lord and asking him to give me a sustainable posture, in other words, a solid place where I can plant my feet and stay at peace. In that process, God has revealed places in my heart where I've built my house on rock...and places where I have built it on sand. My guess is that you can relate to this as well.\\nIn the meantime, we are still trying to be the wives and moms that God has called us to be. This creates an inner conflict because we have constantly been fed the lie that we have to be perfect moms and have everything together (or at least mostly together) or we will mess up our kids. Our desire to be good moms, more importantly, godly moms, is from the Lord, but the enemy twists that and uses it against us as he tries to make us believe that we have to have everything figured out. I think I can safely say that at this point we have far more questions than answers.\\nBut we serve a faithful loving God who sets our feet on solid ground! Listen in as you heed the call to trust and not fear!\\n(Please visit this post at my site to view the playlist mentioned)"