Episode 215: Catastrophe Baker and the Siren of Silverstrike by Mike Resnick

Published: Feb. 14, 2020, 2:59 p.m.

When Mike Resnick passed away on January 9th, Rish and Big knew they had to make one of his stories their next episode. Years ago, he'd sent them out a huge batch of Catastrophe Baker stories so that they could continue the series on the show. What better way to remember him than to put one of his creations out for fans to enjoy?

Catastrophe Baker makes a trip to Silverstrike and while he's there, he attends a carnival. It's pretty ho-hum until he gets summoned to the tent of the Siren of Silverstrike to see the show that everyone is talking about.

Afterward, Rish and Big talk about Mike Resnick and what he has meant to the science fiction community, the podcast community, and the Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine. We'll miss you, Mike.