BBC OS Conversations: Covid-19 four years later

Published: Jan. 6, 2024, 1:30 a.m.


It is four years since we reported the first cases of an outbreak of a mysterious viral pneumonia in the city of Wuhan in China. Within months, what become known as Covid-19, had spread around the world affecting most people in some way. The disease led to the creation of this programme. Since March 2020 \\u2013 shortly after the World Health Organisation declared a pandemic \\u2013 we began our first conversations. Four years on, we thought we would take the opportunity to return to Covid-19 and reunite some of the people we have spoken with over the past four years. Our conversations feature three doctors \\u2013 in India, Italy and the US \\u2013 who treated Covid-19 patients in the early days of the pandemic. Host James Reynolds also catches up with three former guests who have long Covid.
