Episode 57: Rooted: Step Into Your Power

Published: Jan. 28, 2020, 8 a.m.

b'Recently in my Facebook Group for women deciding if they should stay or go in their marriage, I asked the members to share their most burning questions about divorce. And I received an overwhelming response. The topics ranged from, \\u201cHow can I leave my marriage if I have no emotional support and can\\u2019t support myself financially?\\u201d to \\u201cWhat do I do if I don\\u2019t have the courage to leave him?\\u201d\\xa0\\nAnd, every single topic or question had an underlying theme, all relating to doing work on yourself first.\\xa0\\nWhen you are making a decision to leave your marriage, you\'re making a decision of great love for yourself and for your children. That power needs to carry you through to the other side.\\xa0\\nWhen you do the self-work, you can come from a place of neutrality, process your emotions, and grieve what needs grieving.\\nYou can work hard to bring yourself to a place of calm, peace, and lack of blame or resentment so you can make difficult choices. Without focusing on self-work first, the choices you have to make will be much harder (and trust me, they are hard enough as it is).\\nIn this episode I go over some of the topics the women in my Facebook group mentioned (btw, join us!). Plus, I share how you can become deeply rooted in your own sense of power.\\xa0\\nHere are just a few of the topics I touch on in this episode:\\n\\nGetting rooted into your deepest power and grounded in your confidence\\n\\nHow to start fresh on your own when you\\u2019ve never been on your own before\\n\\nKnowing you are worthy and you are enough\\n\\nROOTED LIVE is coming!\\xa0If you think you might want out of your marriage, but you can\\u2019t seem to find the courage to make a decision once and for all, and you\\u2019re scared you won\\u2019t have the strength to get through all that comes after you say those four words,"I want a divorce,\\u201d then ROOTED is 100% for you.\\nROOTED is my online coaching program which I will be taking LIVE in February.\\xa0It\\u2019s designed to help you FIND YOUR STRENGTH, BUILD YOUR CONFIDENCE, AND STEP INTO YOUR POWER. Learn more here.'