Episode 48: NOW...he wants to go to therapy.

Published: Nov. 26, 2019, 5 a.m.

b'Today I am talking about what to do when your husband or spouse tells you, \\u201cNOW, I want go to therapy\\u2026.\\u201d And boy, this is a big one. In fact, it is very common too. And I have thoughts, I have so many thoughts.\\xa0\\nHere\'s the scenario:\\nYou\'ve been unhappy for a while. Maybe a long-ass while.\\nYou\'ve told your husband you\'re unhappy.\\nYou\'ve asked him to go to therapy with you. Often multiple times. Maybe you\\u2019ve begged him to go with you but he\\u2019s still said, \\u201cNo\\u201d.\\nHe may even have said, "I\'d rather get divorced than go to therapy."\\xa0\\nSo you continue to suffer, to make the most of it, to care for yourself and your children, to put on a happy face to the world, all the while suffering inside.\\nUntil one day you just can\'t do it anymore. Until one day the switch flips and you JUST.FUCKING.CAN\'T.\\nThat\\u2019s the day tell him you\'re done. And you mean it this time.\\xa0\\nAnd he knows it. He feels it.\\nAnd he panics. And he tells you he\'ll do anything. He tells you, \\u201cNow, I want to go to therapy.\\nMaybe he means it, but more often it\\u2019s a last ditch attempt to get you to stay. If you have one shred of a fuck left to give, even just one corner, go to therapy. Watch him carefully. See what he\'s willing to DO. Remember ACTIONS \\U0001f44f\\U0001f3fb ACTIONS \\U0001f44f\\U0001f3fb ACTIONS \\U0001f44f\\U0001f3fb.\\nYou cannot fix what\\u2019s broken in your marriage on your own. You need help. So today, I am offering some help on this podcast in the way of advice so you know what to do if or when your spouse utters those famous words, \\u201cNow, I want to go to therapy.\\u201d.\\xa0\\nHere are just a few of the topics I touch on in this episode:\\n\\nWhat to do when your spouse says they want to go to couples therapy, after you\\u2019ve told them you want a divorce\\n\\nThe credentials and attributes to look for in a good couples\\u2019 therapist\\n\\nWhy you feel guilty when you know you\\u2019re done and your spouse is pulling every play out of the \\u2018please don\\u2019t go\\u2019 book\\n\\nListening to and understanding your personal truth\\n\\nResources & Links:\\u2192 This episode was sponsored by FAYR, the easiest, most intuitive and conflict-diffusing co-parenting app on the market today!\\xa0Sign up at: www.befayr.com\\xa0Use code KAnthony for 20% off! Then download the app from the Apple\\u2019s App Store or Google Play.\\xa0\\n--------------\\nGOOD NEWS!! ROOTED is back! And now it\\u2019s an online course that you can do on your own, in your own time! If you think you might want out of your marriage, but you can\\u2019t seem to find the courage to make a decision once and for all, and you\\u2019re scared you won\\u2019t have the strength to get through all that comes after you say those four words,"I want a divorce,\\u201d then ROOTED is 100% for you.\\nROOTED is my online coaching program that\\u2019s designed to help you FIND YOUR STRENGTH, BUILD YOUR CONFIDENCE, AND STEP INTO YOUR POWER. Learn more here. The Ultimate Divorce Survival Guide Should I Stay or Should I Go Facebook Group'