Episode 32: Healthy Boundaries for Kind People with Randi Buckley

Published: April 22, 2019, 7 a.m.

b"The topic of boundaries often comes up in my Facebook groups and with my clients.\\xa0If you're in an unhappy marriage, getting divorced, or already divorced, boundaries are constantly shifting and changing. As you maneuver through divorce or get acclimated to life after divorce, you might be having to hold your boundaries more firmly than ever before. Or maybe you\\u2019re reading this and thinking, \\u201cI really need to get me some boundaries.\\u201d Whatever the case may be, I\\u2019ve got you covered with today\\u2019s podcast episode!\\nThe ever-lovely and kind Randi Buckley is joining me to talk alll about boundaries.\\xa0Randi is an internationally-recognized coach, author, and mentor, whose work helps women find their truth and be at peace with it. She is also the creator of Healthy Boundaries for Kind People.\\nWhen I first started out trying to set my own boundaries, it was god awfully messy. Randi\\u2019s perspective offers a new, healthy and unique take on boundary-setting. What she teaches and how she teaches it has allowed me to make sense of a topic that previously escaped me. Today, she explains how to set healthy boundaries that are kind both to ourselves and to others.\\nShow Highlights\\n\\nRandi\\u2019s unique view and definition of healthy boundaries: \\u201cBoundaries are the infrastructure for who you want to be and the life you want to live.\\u201d (3:51)\\n\\nHow values and boundaries go hand-in-hand (5:50)\\n\\nTurning a value into an action and how doing so can help instruct what your boundary needs to be (8:01)\\n\\nWhen we honor our boundaries it becomes really clear who in our lives are not respecting them (9:25)\\n\\nHow to set boundaries that are safe and healthy for yourself and also allow for communication and collaboration in service of your children (13:28)\\n\\nHow to set a boundary with someone who sees the boundary as an obstacle to overcome, plus Randi\\u2019s garden analogy (22:01)\\n\\nBoundaries are an extension of kindness plus why \\u201cnice\\u201d and \\u201ckind\\u201d are fundamentally different (28:05)\\n\\nHandling resistance or push-back to your boundaries and the importance of allowing the other party to communicate their concerns while still standing by your boundary (30:47)\\n\\nWhy kindness is a two-way street (38:02)\\n\\nLearn More About Randi:\\nRandi Buckley is an internationally-recognized coach, author, and mentor, whose work helps women find their truth and be at peace with it. She is the creator of Healthy Boundaries for Kind People, Maybe Baby, and The Viking Woman Workshop. She is mama to Ravn and in her free time, untangles whales from fishing gear, in the Monterey Bay.\\nLinks:Randi\\u2019s websiteRandi on Instagram\\nFree Healthy Boundaries for Kind People group\\nShould You Stay In Your Marriage for Your Kids Webinar"