Episode 175: Warning Signs: The Story of Chris Watts with Lena Derhally

Published: July 7, 2022, 4 a.m.

b'Lena Derhally is back on the show! Last time we talked about social media narcissism and other harmful effects of using social media. This time she joins me to talk about Chris Watts, who was the topic of her book My Daddy is a Hero: How Chris Watts Went from Family Man to Family Killer.\\xa0\\xa0\\nOn August 13, 2018, Chris Watts murdered his pregnant wife Shanann and two young daughters. Why is this story important for all to hear and especially those listening to this podcast? It\\u2019s important because it\\u2019s a case study of narcissism and the warning signs we all might miss. In Lena\\u2019s book (and this episode) Lena pieces together the crime, the events leading up to it, and her beliefs about the \\u201cwhy.\\u201d\\nLena Derhally is a Washington DC-based licensed and Imago certified psychotherapist in private practice. She is the author of the Amazon True Crime and Criminology bestseller, My Daddy is a Hero: How Chris Watts Went from Family Man to Family Killer, and the forthcoming pop psychology book, The Facebook Narcissist: How to Identify and Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones from Social Media Narcissism.\\nShow Highlights\\n\\nWhat led to Chris\\u2019s confession of murdering his wife and children (5:59)\\n\\nPsychopaths don\\u2019t have the same empathy or attachments as others, but they can learn to mimic the emotions and experiences of others around them (15:05)\\n\\nHow to use this story as a way to protect yourself or spot red flags (24:14)\\n\\nThe shame and blame of victims of intimate partner violence (43:21)\\n\\nOnce a partner starts devaluing you, it is time to question what you want/don\\u2019t want from your relationship (54:22)'