Episode 12: Guest Episode: Lyena Strelkoff

Published: May 24, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

b'In this episode, I interview Lyena Strelkoff. Lyena is a transformation coach, storyteller, and speaker passionately dedicated to advancing the way humans respond to change, challenge, and adversity.\\nA lifelong dancer paralyzed in a hiking accident, Lyena\\u2019s entire life was elevated, not in spite of paralysis but because of it.\\nLyena is the creator of The Shero\\u2019s Way\\u2122, a modern, feminized approach to adversity that turns challenges into catalysts that catapult us upward.\\nLyena isn\\u2019t divorced, although she does tell us the story of how her parents\\u2019 divorce affected her. But I want you to listen to her story from the perspective of transformation. Listen for how Lyena transforms what could have been\\xa0\\u2014\\xa0should have been\\xa0\\u2014\\xa0the worst experience almost anyone can imagine into something full of grace and opportunity. And listen till the end where we discuss how this does NOT mean not acknowledging pain and suffering, but rather embracing all of it, the good, the bad, and the ugly.'