The Perfect Candidate

Published: July 15, 2022, noon


Our two party system is flawed. Politicians are corrupt and we continue to repeat a never ending pattern of being forced into voting for the lesser of two evils. It's the same story every election cycle yet we as Americans remain optimistic that someday we will have a Democracy that truly works for the people it represents.


Unfortunately, this day never seems to come. As we become more divided by identity politics our culture becomes primed for a shift that could lead to a complete breakdown of society as we know it. But is there a solution?


What if we took the emotion, corruption, self interest and pandering out of elections? What if, Artificial Intelligence was in The White House making decisions that was best for the United States as a whole? Is this the perfect fix or potentially the beginning of the end for Mankind?


Zack Hayes and Phil Hayes discuss on this week's episode of The Disconnect.
