The Epic Collapse of Demand

Published: June 22, 2020, 1 p.m.


The Economy Is Experiencing an Epic Collapse of Demand.


A rip in the fabric of the economy won\\u2019t be healed easily, and denial of the severity of the crisis won\\u2019t solve it.


Despite it all \\u2014 a nation on edge, with an untamed pandemic and convulsive protests over police brutality \\u2014 for the first time in three months there is a scent of economic optimism in the air.


Employers added millions of jobs to their payrolls in May, and the jobless rate fell, a big surprise to forecasters who expected further losses. Businesses are reopening, and the rate of coronavirus deaths has edged down. The Trump administration has begun pointing to what are likely to be impressive growth numbers as the economy starts to pull out of its deep hole.


Hosts Zack Hayes and Phil Hayes breakdown the article from in this week\'s episode of Pure Speculation. Follow us on Twitter @strugglestate


