A Family Affair: The Hidden Leg Up

Published: Oct. 20, 2020, noon


Many people with student loans aren\'t carrying the burden of their debt alone. The mountain of debt weighs down their families, too.


"Student loan repayment is really a family affair," says Fiona Greig, director of consumer research at the JPMorgan Chase Institute.


The number of people 60 and older with student loan debt has been increasing, with many of those loans taken out by parents and grandparents to help younger family members pay for college.


Now a new study by the JPMorgan Chase Institute says nearly 40% of student loan payers are helping someone else pay off their student loans. And 27% of these helpers hold no student loan debt themselves.


But it goes beyond Student Loan Debt. This practice applies to a younger generation looking to purchase their first home. 1 in 5 U.S. Homeowners received an average of $39,000 in assistance from parents for down payments on Real Estate. And in 2018 Family/Friends assisted in the purchase of $317 Billion worth of property.


While getting assistance like this seems ok on paper, its starting to delay the ability for an older generation to retire. And you have to wonder, will this younger generation be able to do the same for their kids? Or are we raising a generation that has clue how to manage their finances, keeping them deeper in what we call the Struggle State?


Hosts Zack Hayes and Phil Hayes break it all down in this week\'s episode of Pure Speculation. Follow us on Twitter @strugglestate


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