Shock Video Of Massive Red Pills (Ep 1615)

Published: Sept. 29, 2021, 3:13 p.m.

b'Watch this video! It shows massive red-pills being dropped on vaccine mandates and the collusion hoax. In this episode I address the video along with a story about the dangers of the digital economy.\\xa0\\n\\nNews Picks:\\n\\nIs cancel culture finally cannibalizing itself?\\n\\nWas the DNC really hacked by the Russians?\\n\\n\\nPsaki does damage control after Mark Milley throws him under the bus.\\xa0\\n\\n\\nBiden\\u2019s tyrannical vaccine mandate could result in $700k fines!\\n\\n\\nCopyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'