Proof The Libs Are Panicking Over The Twitter Files (Ep 1912)

Published: Dec. 12, 2022, 2:46 p.m.

b'Who is sabotaging power plants all across the country? In this episode, I discuss this dangerous new development. I also address the latest \\u201cTwitter files\\u201d drop, and the liberal panic that ensued afterwards.\\xa0\\n\\nNews Picks:\\n\\nLooks like the FBI was involved in a massive censorship effort in conjunction with big tech.\\n\\nMore shocking revelations about censorship at Twitter. This one involving Michelle Obama.\\n\\n\\n\\nElon Musk teases more damning revelations and makes a shocking statement about Fauci.\\xa0\\n\\nLooks like friends of the Biden administration are engaged in witness intimidation.\\xa0\\n\\n\\nThe Second Amendment is under attack, and credit card companies are deeply involved.\\n\\n\\n\\nWho is sabotaging power plants all across the country?\\xa0\\n\\n\\nGeorge Soros is cranking up the money machine after the election.\\xa0\\n\\n\\nCopyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'