Ep. 693 Is This What the FBI is Hiding?

Published: April 6, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

b'Summary:\\nThe unprecedented efforts by the FBI to hide the documents describing the origins of the Trump/Russia investigation are all making sense now. In today\\u2019s show I discuss the scandalous scheme that could destroy our faith in international intelligence cooperation. I also discuss liberal efforts to manipulate suburban voters and China\\u2019s \\u201cdoomsday weapon\\u201d in the trade wars.\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nNews Picks:\\nDevastating new FBI texts uncover a previously unknown meeting in London.\\n\\xa0\\n\\xa0The Dems target the suburbs.\\n\\xa0\\nMystery surrounds Sessions\\u2019 DOJ moves.\\n\\xa0\\nGun sales spike again.\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nIs this China\\u2019s doomsday weapon in the trade wars?\\n\\xa0\\nCopyright CRTV. All rights reserved.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices'