Why Former Obama Fundraiser Now Backs Trump

Published: July 18, 2024, 7 a.m.


Allison Huynh was a fundraiser for then-Sen. Barack Obama before he was elected president in 2008, but she now supports former President Donald Trump

Huynh (pronounced like \\u201cwin\\u201d) and her husband were attracted to Obama\\u2019s message of \\u201chope and change\\u201d in 2007. 

\\u201cIt was the hope and the image that he projected\\u201d that led Huynh to not only support Obama herself in the 2008 election, but encourage others to do likewise. 

As an entrepreneur and successful computer scientist in Silicon Valley in California, Huynh hosted fundraising dinners for Obama with tickets costing $50,000 a plate. But after Obama won the election and took office in 2009, Huynh says, disillusionment began to set in. 

A Vietnamese immigrant, Huynh says the disillusionment \\u201cstarted with Barack Obama and this lack of logic in terms of how he led,\\u201d but it didn\'t end there. 

Huynh calls diversity, equity, and inclusion \\u201cMarxist and doublespeak\\u201d because \\u201cequity is what you get when you work for something.\\u201d 

Equity is not won because of the \\u201ccolor of your skin\\u201d or \\u201cidentity politics,\\u201d Huynh contends. \\u201cThis doesn\'t make sense. It erodes away from what it is to be an American, right?\\u201d 

Asked why she is now supporting Trump, Huynh says that after meeting Trump, she found him \\u201cvery open\\u201d to considering policies that serve tech entrepreneurs like her. 

Huynh joins \\u201cThe Daily Signal Podcast\\u201d from the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee to share her story of disillusionment with the Democratic Party.

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