State Schools Chief Seeks Answers on Districts Reported Ties to Chinese Government

Published: Aug. 8, 2023, 7 a.m.


Parents Defending Education\\u2019s new report, \\u201cLittle Red Classrooms,\\u201d offers some worrisome information about China\\u2019s reach in U.S. K-12 schools through so-called Confucius Classrooms.

The report notes that Parents Defending Education \\u201cuncovered contracts that show Confucius Classrooms, or other Chinese government-backed programming, are still in operation\\u201d in a number of schools throughout the U.S., including Tulsa Public Schools in Oklahoma. 

\\u201cOn July 11, 2022, the Tulsa Public Schools board of education approved entering into an agreement with the Confucius Classroom Coordination Offices, which [operate] out of the International Leadership of Texas Global nonprofit,\\u201d the report says. \\u201cThe Chinese International Education Foundation would cover the cost of the program. Carver Middle School offers students a \\u2018Confucius Connection\\u2019 through its \\u2018Global Awareness\\u2019 programming.\\u201d

Ryan Walters, Oklahoma state superintendent of public instruction, says, \\u201cWhat we did is, we \\u2014 immediately upon finding this out \\u2014 we have required the district to turn over any contracts, any curriculum, anything that\\u2019s been handed out through this course.\\u201d

\\u201cSo, we are actively compiling that from the district right now to do a deep dive into, \\u2018Hey, what was the Chinese government trying to get in this classroom? What were the teachers discussing in these classes?\'\\u201d Walters says, adding:

So that\\u2019s what we\\u2019ve required of the district right now. So, we are going to be looking for that information to have a better understanding of what was being funneled into these classrooms.

Walters joins today\\u2019s episode of \\u201cThe Daily Signal Podcast\\u201d to discuss the Parents Defending Education report, whether he has spoken with any teachers, parents, or students at Tulsa\\u2019s Carver Middle School, and Tulsa Public Schools\\u2019 response to his Twitter video, \\u201cChina will not be allowed in Oklahoma schools.\\u201d

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
