How Transparent Is Chinas Government? Heres What We Know.

Published: July 15, 2021, 7 a.m.


The Chinese Communist Party, which has ruled China for 100 years, remains highly secretive in its policies and actions. Fortunately, sources outside China\'s government have provided the world with a great deal of information about what is really happening within the communist regime.

Compiling what we do know about the Chinese Communist Party, The Heritage Foundation\\u2014parent organization of The Daily Signal\\u2014just released its 2021 China Transparency Report. The document assesses China\\u2019s level of transparency across eight key areas: the economy, energy and the environment, human rights, influence operations, the military, outbound investments, politics and law, and, technology. 

The goal of the report "is partly to bust a myth that China is completely closed off and opaque," says Dean Cheng, a Heritage Foundation senior research fellow for Asian studies who contributed to the report.

"You cannot have a country of 1.3 billion people, you can\'t have any economy that\'s the second largest in the world, and the world\'s largest trading state, and not have some amount of interaction and data flow, etc.," Cheng says. "But part of the problem is that the available information isn\'t easily available, partly because, well, it\'s in Chinese."

Cheng and Justin Rhee, co-editor of the China Transparency Report, join \\u201cThe Daily Signal Podcast\\u201d to explain its significance in understanding the actions and goals of the Chinese Communist Party. (You may read the full report here.)

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Enjoy the show!

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