Molecular Biologist's Quest: Can We STOP the Aging Clock? | Dr. David Sinclair EP 687

Published: July 26, 2024, 7 a.m.

b'"We can actually grow little brains in the dish too... And we can age them forwards, make them older... And then we reverse it." - Dr. David Sinclair\\n\\nPrepare for a journey into the cutting edge of longevity science as Lewis sits down with world-renowned geneticist and aging expert, Dr. David Sinclair. In this electrifying episode, Sinclair unveils the revolutionary concept that aging isn\'t just a natural process - it\'s a disease we can potentially cure. From the secrets of \'longevity genes\' to the mind-bending ability to grow and reverse-age human brain cells in a lab, Sinclair\'s insights will challenge everything you thought you knew about getting older.\\n\\nBut this isn\'t just about extending life - it\'s about reimagining what it means to be human. Sinclair dives deep into the ethical implications and practical possibilities of his work, offering a tantalizing glimpse into a future where age-related diseases could become a thing of the past. Whether you\'re a science enthusiast or simply someone who wants to live their best life for as long as possible, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in now and discover how the fountain of youth might just be hiding in your own DNA!'