Its Never Too Late To Do This

Published: Jan. 30, 2024, 6 a.m.

We\u2019ve said before that it\u2019s never too late. It\u2019s never too late, as a parent, to follow your dreams\u2014to show your kids that they can too. It\u2019s never too late to start showing up. It\u2019s never too late to deal with your demons. It\u2019s never too late to change. Sooner is better of course, but it\u2019s never too late.It\u2019s also never too late to do that thing we\u2019ve been talking about a lot recently\u2014repair. \u201cRepair can happen ten minutes after a blowup, ten days later, or ten years later,\u201d Dr. Becky Kenned...