Trumps Ugly Eruption: Putin Will Only Free Jailed Reporter For Me

Published: May 24, 2024, 8 a.m.

b'On Thursday, Donald Trump\\xa0tweeted\\xa0that Vladimir Putin will release Evan Gershkovich, the\\xa0Wall Street Journal\\xa0reporter\\xa0detained in Russia, after the election\\u2014\\u201cfor me,\\u201d meaning for Trump. In other words, elect Trump president, and Putin will release him. We think this saga gets at a larger story about Trump\\u2019s approach to politics and foreign policy. So we talked to Nicholas Grossman, a professor of international relations who\\xa0writes about\\xa0Trump\\u2019s Putinist inclinations. He explains how Trump may be sabotaging U.S foreign policy to help himself politically, while aligning himself with the world\\u2019s autocrats and dictators.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'