Trumps Bizarre Rants Over Wind Power Are More Ominous Than You Think

Published: April 19, 2024, 8 a.m.

b'At a fundraiser with oil and gas industry executives last week, Donald Trump\\xa0reportedly ranted\\xa0angrily about, of all things, wind power. \\u201cI hate wind,\\u201d Trump told the executives. That may seem like a joke, but it\\xa0gets at a deadly serious topic: If Trump wins this fall, he\\u2019d\\xa0very likely try to repeal\\xa0President Biden\\u2019s climate policies. We chatted with\\xa0David Roberts, author of a\\xa0great energy Substack\\xa0called \\u201cVolts,\\u201d about Trump\\u2019s prospects for success at that project, about its potential consequences for the world,\\xa0and about an intriguing concept known as \\u201cpetro-masculinity.\\u201d\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'