Trumps Bizarre Rants At Private GOP Meeting Are a Break-Glass Moment

Published: June 14, 2024, 9 a.m.

b'New reports are emerging about Donald Trump\\u2019s tightening grip on the GOP, and the upshot is this: It\\u2019s crazier and more dangerous than you thought. First we learned that Trump and House Speaker Mike Johnson\\xa0privately schemed\\xa0over how to sabotage ongoing prosecutions of Trump. Then Trump met with Republicans and\\xa0reportedly unleashed\\xa0numerous strange rants, calling the Justice Department \\u201cdirty no good bastards\\u201d and spinning out a wild tale about Nancy Pelosi\\u2019s daughter. We talked with A.B. Stoddard, a columnist\\xa0at The Bulwark\\xa0and shrewd observer of GOP politics, and she trenchantly explained why this moment is very much not a drill.\\xa0\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'