Trump Finally Reveals It: Billionaires Get Tax Cuts, We Get Autocracy

Published: April 10, 2024, 8 a.m.

b'At a recent fundraiser, Donald Trump\\xa0promised\\xa0big tax cuts to some of the richest donors in the country. He\\xa0also suggested\\xa0he wants more immigrants from countries like Norway\\u2014hint, hint\\u2014while blasting Latin American migrants as criminals and worse. This corrupt bargain\\u2014offer huge giveaways to wealthy elites so they embrace far right governance\\u2014is an old story. In today\\u2019s episode, Harvard professor Daniel Ziblatt\\u2014who\\xa0studies what happens when conservative elites ally\\xa0with authoritarian movements\\u2014explains why it\\u2019s extraordinarily reckless for\\xa0corporate leaders to calculate they can work with Trump\\xa0despite his promise of a lawless second term.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'