Mitch McConnell tried to ride the MAGA monster. Then it ate him alive.

Published: Feb. 29, 2024, 9 a.m.

b'The news that Mitch McConnell\\xa0will step down\\xa0as GOP senate leader later this year has led many to argue that he was fundamentally a foe of Donald Trump who is no longer welcome in the party of MAGA. But the story is more complicated than that: In crucial ways, McConnell\\u2019s own career trajectory helped bring about the descent of our politics into its current disastrous mess. We chatted with Congressional scholar Norman Ornstein, who was\\xa0among the first to identify\\xa0McConnell as key to the GOP slide into dysfunction and extremism. He helped us assess McConnell\\u2019s real legacy.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'