How the Media Whitewashes the Trump-MAGA ThreatRevealed by an Insider

Published: March 12, 2024, 8 a.m.

b'Over the weekend,\\xa0The New York Times\\xa0published a\\xa0news analysis\\xa0entitled, \\u201cThe Biden-Trump rerun: A nation craving change gets more of the same.\\u201d This has become a constant refrain in the press: One of the candidates is running on an explicit set of promises to destroy American democracy, yet the press keeps calling this a \\u201crerun\\u201d of 2020, almost as if it\\u2019s all a sporting event. We chatted with Mark Jacob, a former veteran journalist who writes the \\u201cStop the Presses\\u201d newsletter, about all the insidious ways that press coverage is sanitizing the threat posed by Donald Trump and MAGA.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'