How Fox News Fabricated a Toxic Lie for Trumpand Why Its So Alarming

Published: May 28, 2024, 8 a.m.

b'Donald Trump and his media propagandists have been\\xa0preposterously suggesting\\xa0the FBI under President Biden was set to use \\u201clethal force\\u201d against Trump when it searched Mar-a-Lago. This fabrication was summoned into existence by Fox News and the right wing media. We talked with media reporter Brian Stelter, author of a\\xa0great new piece\\xa0on Trump in\\xa0The New Republic\\u2019s \\u201cAmerican Fascism\\u201d issue, who put all this in its larger context, explaining what the right wing media has become under Trump, and how he will bully non-compliant media outlets if reelected president. Listen to this episode\\xa0here.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'