GOP Fury At Trump Verdict Just Got Scarier. This Dem Sees An Opening.

Published: June 4, 2024, 9 a.m.

b'In the wake of Donald Trump\\u2019s conviction on 34 felony counts, Republican anger at the verdict is getting darker, with GOP leaders talking about holding hearings and even defunding other prosecutions of Trump.\\xa0But Democrats\\xa0are not engaging this debate\\xa0nearly as intensively, and appear\\xa0divided over how to proceed. This is puzzling: The furious GOP defense of Trump is deranged and reckless, and would almost certainly be deeply unpopular\\u2014if voters are made to understand it. We talked to veteran Democratic strategist Celinda Lake, who suggested ways the party might find a stronger and more unified posture in this battle going forward. Listen to this episode\\xa0here.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'