Seeking Your Super Powers with Dr. Richard Shuster

Published: July 29, 2019, midnight


What\\u2019s holding you back from becoming your best self?

What about your environment is keeping you from growing?

How can you assess your life and your abilities to discover your super powers?

Today, we have Dr. Richard Shuster on the show. He is a Clinical Psychologist, Information Technology Expert, founder of a non-profit called Every Kid Rocks, and the host of The Daily Helping Podcast.

Dr. Shuster shares the story of the near fatal crash that radically shifted his aim in life. He discusses the destructive \\u201ctrophy case\\u201d effect of the internet and what parents should and should not share about their family life on social media.

He also talks about how to create an environment that forces you to grow and how to do a comprehensive assessment of your life so that you can use your super powers to be part of the change process for others.

For the show notes and exclusive links mentioned in this episode go to


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