Resist Average with Tommy Baker

Published: July 1, 2019, midnight


Most men are motivated by the same thing, and it\\u2019s the wrong thing\\u2014fear.

We run away from the life we don\\u2019t want, struggling to avoid discomfort and scarcity. We are under constant stress and have nothing left for ourselves. But fear is a bad motivator. We can only run so far and so fast before we become depleted and burned out.\\xa0

Today I have an amazing guest who is no stranger to the spotlight. Tommy Baker is the host of Resist Average Podcast and helps dreamers create the lives they truly desire. He is the author of three bestselling books, and his most recent release, The Leap of Your Life, is about how we can resist average and make bold decisions toward the dreams that scare us.

Tommy talks about the myth of clarity, leveraging regret, and taking action despite never feeling ready. If you\\u2019re in survival mode or in a comfortable but boring rut, this show will change your trajectory!

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