Positive Fatherhood with Roger Mathews

Published: Feb. 22, 2021, 1 a.m.


Today we have a celebrity guest, Roger Mathews from the Jersey Shore. He was JWoww\\u2019s boyfriend in the show, and they got married and had two kids. They are now divorced, and he only gets to be with his children 50% of the time, but that doesn\\u2019t stop him from being a 100% dad. What you\\u2019re going to hear today about his take on fatherhood is going to surprise you.

Roger Mathews talks about his upbringing and the amazing connection he has with his father. He talks about the lessons in money management he will pass on to his kids, and how he manages their screen time. He gets real about dealing with a special needs child. Most important of all, Roger talks about focusing on the positive in fatherhood and trying to put good things into the world in spite of the chaos that is happening right now.

For the show notes and exclusive links mentioned in this episode go to gooddadproject.com/306.


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