Parenting with Leadership with Stewart Friedman and Alyssa Westring

Published: April 6, 2020, midnight


What\\u2019s the difference between managing your family and leading them? Do you know your values as a family and your vision of how it should operate?

If the answer is no, don\\u2019t worry. You\\u2019re pretty much just like everyone else.

We often have learned to be leaders in our work and our community, but rarely do we use these skills when we come home with our kids. With packed schedules and hectic days, it\\u2019s all we can do to make it to bedtime, but today we\\u2019re going to talk about how leading your family brings you closer together, makes decisions easier, and opens up new possibilities in other areas of your life.

Today we have Stewart Friedman and Alyssa Westring on the show. They are organizational psychologists and the authors of Parents Who Lead: The Leadership Approach You Need to Parent with Purpose, Fuel Your Career, and Create a Richer Life. They\\u2019re going to give us the skillset we need to lead our families and plan and prioritize our lives around what truly matters to us.

This show will totally change the way you look at your role as a father. Don\\u2019t miss this chance to create the family life you always dreamed of!

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