How to Use Problems as Opportunities

Published: Aug. 2, 2018, midnight


Life is full of challenges. We all will go through times of adversity. If we\'re going through them alone, we might feel hopeless and cope\\xa0in negative ways.\\xa0How can we get away from a fearful victim mentality, and instead, use problems as opportunities?

Thursday Throwdown is our short show\\xa0where we feature\\xa0regular dads. Today we have Jason Palmer as our guest. He has faced adversity and loss, including the death of a child.

At first, he reached for alcohol to ease the pain, often drinking a whole bottle of whiskey just to be able to sleep at night. But deep down inside, he knew that he was meant for more. Life didn\'t have to be this way.

Then Jason discovered our episode\\xa0about giving up alcohol. It inspired him to give up drinking and join the Dad Edge Alliance.

He tells us how he took ownership of his life and trained himself to look at his problems as opportunities and to move from fear-based to solution-based thinking.

For the show notes and links mentioned in this episode go to
