How to Make Your Wife Fall in Love with You Again and Again with Spencer Burnett

Published: Sept. 24, 2018, midnight


Why would we bring on a dating coach when most of our listeners are married? If we\'re not mindful in our marriage, it will fizzle out. After so many years with the same person, we get comfortable, complacent, and lazy. Whenever we do try to do something new, our wives may reject us and we shut down.

Today we have dating coach and relationship expert Spencer Burnett on the show to talk about\\xa0how to make your wife fall in love with you again and again.\\xa0He shares his secrets on pursuing\\xa0a woman confidently and from a place of service for better communication, intimacy, and attraction.

Married, divorced, and single dads will walk away from this show with a game plan for the relationship they want with the woman they truly desire.

For the show notes, links, and exclusive offers mentioned in this episode go to
