How to Get Through a Job Loss as a Father

Published: Feb. 15, 2018, 1 a.m.


Losing a job can be one of the biggest crises a man may ever may face. Today I have Michael Jeffery on the show. He is the father of 3 and one of our Dad Edge Alliance members. Michael has been in sales for 15 years. In October, he was terminated.\\xa0

As a dad, Michael felt like his whole world was turned upside down. His wife was in pieces and they began to live in a permanent state of panic. But then Michael tapped into The Dad Edge Alliance.

In this short episode, he talks about how the group helped him to believe he could get back on his professional feet again. He also reveals how his marriage is now better than ever, and why part of him is actually grateful to have lost his job.

For the show notes and links mentioned in this episode CLICK HERE.
