How to Get Anything You Want with Tony Stephan

Published: March 4, 2019, 1 a.m.


What if you could have anything you want? Sounds crazy, right? Here\\u2019s the truth\\u2014you CAN have anything you want. The problem is we run away from our fears instead of running toward our dreams. We shrink from adversity, hard work, and the unknown. The worst part about it is, this is what we show to our children.\\xa0

Our guest today is Tony Stephan. He is a registered dietician and nutrition coach who\\u2019s been featured on Fox News, NBC, Huff Post, and Women\\u2019s Health Magazine. His childhood was full of hardship and tragedy. Anyone would\\u2019ve understood if he felt sorry for himself and drifted through life, but his humble father gave him the secret to achieving what he thought was impossible. Tony Stephan\\u2019s not only going to tell us how to use this secret to get the health we want, but how to get anything we want in life.


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