Diets Suck: The Ultimate Blueprint on Enjoying Food and Getting Lean with Josiah Novak

Published: Nov. 19, 2018, 1 a.m.


What\'s the best diet? Keto? Paleo? Low-carb? High-fat? What about fasting? What\'s the best workout? Today we are inundated with diet fads and extreme workouts. How do we know which nutrition and exercise program is best for us?

Today we have Josiah Novak. He\'s the author of\\xa0Diets Suck: The Ultimate Blueprint on Enjoying Food and Getting Lean. Josiah gets real about fad diets and exercise. He talks about how we need to focus on our health before aesthetic results. He also discusses his own personal crisis and how his foundation of healthy habits helped him get through an emotionally difficult time.

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